The focus of this study is to investigate the Level of Covid-19 Safety Compliance among SMEs using Kilimanjaro Eatery and Pick n Pay less Supermarket in Porth Harcourt, River State as case study. Simple random sampling was used in the study as staffs Kilimanjaro and Pick n Pay-less form the population of the study.152 questionnaire was issued but 137 were retrieved and validated for the study. Data was presented and analyzed using frequency and tables.Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square Statistical tool. Findings from the study reveals that the level of compliance on covid-19 safety guidelines among small and Medium Scale Business like grocery stores, supermarket and eateries is high.the study therefore recommends that other SMEs should imbibe strict adherence to the stipulated covid-19 safety guidelines as this will help curb the spread of the infectious disease. More so SME owners should ensure they provide facilities such as hand washing spot and automated hand sanitizers at the entrance of their thier business premises to enable customers coply before entering their stores for patronage.
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Background of the study
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